A once powerful country who would allow their mortal enemy to: China has done everything they can to speed along our defeat, without us even
Category: News
Toxic Masculinity
Is not the real problem. It is the total lack of Masculinity from boys raised in a Luberal Society, with Liberal Mothers, that created a
Two of History’s Most Corrupt
Biden is history’s most corrupt politician. Ukraine is Europe’s most corrupt country. So how much of the $165 Billion dollars stolen from American Earners is
Kangaroo Court Justice for Trump
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that the Liberals never stopped trying to hang Trump. For a couple of years now, Georgia
I Don’t Want To Say I Told You So
Especially since Stevie Wonder should have seen this coming! In December 2020, there was still some question on if Justice would be served in the
You Realized Way Too Late
One day, many will hang their heads in shame, when they realize the evil they defended and the heroes they ridiculed. But by then it